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An inverted nipple is a condition in which the nipple is pulled inward, where a normal-positioned nipple would typically point outward. It’s estimated that roughly 10% of women have at least one inverted nipple, which can be caused by breastfeeding, genetics, or hormones. Most commonly, inverted nipples are caused by short ducts and other underlying issues, like tethering tissues that pull the nipple inward. Plastic surgeon Dr. James Anthony specializes in cosmetic breast surgery, including inverted nipple repair in San Francisco. His nipple repair surgery creates a normal, healthy appearance, and can help patients regain their self-esteem and confidence. To learn more or to schedule your consultation, we invite you to call the plastic surgery office of Dr. James Anthony.

Dr. James Anthony Plastic Surgery

Am I an Ideal Candidate?

If you have an inverted nipple but haven’t had success with nipple stimulation or suction techniques, surgery may be recommended. You may be an excellent candidate for Dr. Anthony’s San Francisco inverted nipple repair surgery if you’re in overall good health, are past childbearing, and are at a stable weight. During your private consultation with Dr. Anthony, he will discuss the following:

  • Degree of nipple inversion
  • Likely effects the inversion has on breastfeeding
  • Ideal solutions to correct your inverted nipple
  • Surgical techniques to consider

Dr. Anthony is a doctor that helps people in every way, shape and form. I feel truly blessed that I found him..That is, truly blessed that he was referred to me by my friends, acquaintances and doctors. I couldn't be more grateful they lead me in Dr. Anthony's direction. 


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Dr. Anthony’s Surgical Technique

Nipple inversion surgery is an outpatient procedure, and tends to be a relatively simple treatment that can be performed without the need for general anesthesia. Dr. Anthony generally uses a numbing agent that lasts the duration of the surgery, allowing him to perform the treatment without any discomfort to the patient. He will make a tiny incision at the side of the nipple before carefully retracting the milk ducts, one at a time. A retraction suture is inserted, and is then used to pull the nipple out to its full length. Once this process has been completed, the incision is then closed and dressed. Nipple inversion surgery usually takes about an hour.

What Can I Expect After My Surgery?

After your nipple inverted nipple repair, most patients are able to drive themselves home. You might need to make plans for transportation, however, if your particular surgery winds up being more complex, or a different type of sedation is required. You will be able to return to normal activities with little to no discomfort. Typically, you can return to work the following day.

Your nipple(s) may be sensitive or sore for a few days, with optimal results potentially taking several months to appear, as the nipples settle into their new position over time.

Enjoy Natural-Looking Nipples

If you’ve found yourself feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your inverted nipples, Dr. James Anthony offers inverted nipple repair surgery in San Francisco that will leave you looking natural, healthy, and better than ever. You’re invited to call us at our office to set up a consultation. We’ll help you understand how nipple correction surgery can dramatically improve your appearance so you can feel healthy and confident, every single day.

Dr. James Anthony Plastic Surgery


Could an Inverted Nipple Mean Breast Cancer?

In the majority of cases, an inverted nipple does not mean you have breast cancer. If your inverted nipple comes with other symptoms, it’s important to have an exam to rule out anything serious. Some women have normally flat nipples, while others develop an inverted nipple due to life events like pregnancy or nursing. A normal inverted nipple should not have any accompanying symptoms.

Am I Able to Breastfeed After Inverted Nipple Repair Surgery?

Nipple correction surgery is usually best for women who don’t intend to breastfeed in the future. During a nipple inversion surgery, the milk ducts are altered to correct nipple projection and size. As such, it’s recommended to hold off on having this surgery until you don’t intend to have further children to avoid impacting your ability to nurse. In rare cases, breastfeeding may no longer be possible after this type of surgery.

Will I Lose Nipple Sensation After an Inverted Nipple Repair?

The important sensory nerves that give the nipples their sensation are generally located deeper in the breast than the required incisions for the surgery. Therefore, physical sensation is typically spared after an inverted nipple repair.

Can I Have a Nipple Repair at the Same Time as a Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation?

Absolutely. It’s fairly common to address any nipple irregularities, such as an inverted nipple, alongside cosmetic surgery like a breast augmentation or a breast lift. For women who only want their nipples addressed, a nipple inversion can be performed solely in our plastic surgery office, without the need for general anesthesia.

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